Sunday, July 31, 2011

Graduate Confessions: Love Story Part I

  • This week ... this summer has been the worst summer of my life. I graduated, slowly but surely getting use to adulthood. I lost an amazing friend; I got a job, and then quit a day later and my boyfriend has left for a job in Michigan for two weeks and a few days.

He leaving for a couple of weeks is probably the second to worst on my list of terrible things to happen this summer. I can say I truly love this kid! He’s my best friend, and even though we can irritate each other … A LOT... Sometimes, I can’t see myself with anyone else.

Charles and I have been through a lot the past three years. Sweetie if you ever read this, this is the last time I’m ever going to mention this again. I want us to forgive and forget. Even though it may feel impossible, it is very possible to move forward in life.

With all that being said this is Love Story Part ONE!!!

     I was a sophomore in high school, meaning I had to be about 15 years old.

My school was new, and we just got 150 new students. Some of them and I hit it off immediately, others It took awhile for me to get to know.  Of the first new freshmen that I met was a girl names Mickela. She looked almost like me, just a bit taller. She seemed nice, and eager to make new friends. Now Mickela and I talked through out the year never on the phone or anything, just hi and bye, at school, or on the way home.

      It was one day at school, I was on my way to lunch and before walking into the lunch room, I stopped. Because I believe I saw someone that could possibly change my life forever. But this some one was Mickela’s.

I never saw him before around the school.

I said hi to them both and walked into the lunch room.

     When I say, I wondered for weeks, how she got him, I really did. I was Jealous, and I wanted him.

I herd that they broke up one day and, I went back and forth in my head wondering if I should ask Mickela if it was alright if I asked him out. Before I knew it they were back together.

     I saw Mickela kiss one of my exes on the cheek one day. Nothing serious, just jokingly. I told her, “If you take josh, I’ll steal Charles from you.” I was joking back then though.

     I wasn’t a very forward girl; I had only had a couple boyfriends in life at this point, and I would never make the first move. Charles hadn’t even noticed me. So I’m getting my hopes up for nothing.

    My last relationship was with this girl, who was my first girlfriend. I was very confused. She got with me, then when she realized I wasn’t sexually active, she broke up with me. Three days later, we got back together, a day later she broke up with me. Then she moved to México.

     All I had to really remember this girl was pictures of her in the yearbook. I was standing at the security desk, with my ex, Charles and a yearbook. I pointed her out to the guys. “This is my ex girlfriend.”  I said pointing to the cute chubby Hispanic in the volleyball uniform.

Charles was the first to speak. “You like fat bitches?” “She’s not fat!” I responded. That was probably the first conversation we had. He signed my yearbook “Fat bitches.”

     My birthday was coming up. I was Turing 16! I believed I invited the entire school. My invite was music CD’s with me talking inviting people.

Unfortunately I made over 140 CD’s and only 10 people from my school came.

During the planning faze, I found out that Charles and I shared the same birthday! It was funny to me, and I honestly didn’t believe him at first till I saw his state ID card.

     When he came to the party that was probably the best gift ever. He was so delicious looking! He chased me around trying to put cake on my face, and at this point our friendship was really innocent.

   I went to school, and told my guy friend Kamon that I really like Charles, and joked that I think he only liked me for my body. I didn’t realize how much guys talk. But Kamon found out that Charles liked me too. When I talked to Charles, we never really confirmed that we both liked each other. But things did change.

     Our conversations were very different. There was more flirting. And as much as I wanted to I knew it wasn’t right. There would be days I played along, and other days I reminded him of his girlfriend. Sophomore year ended and over the summer him and I got a little closer. We never visited each other, but I was always there for him when he needed to talk, and he was available to talk as long as his girlfriend wasn’t around. I new I was the other girl. And It did upset me, but I loved this attention, I wasn’t use to getting. And He made me feel special.

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